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5 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 late /ˈlet/

From: Network Terminology


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Late a. [Compar. Later or latter superl. Latest or Last ]
 1. Coming after the time when due, or after the usual or proper time; not early; slow; tardy; long delayed; as, a late spring.
 2. Far advanced toward the end or close; as, a late hour of the day; a late period of life.
 3. Existing or holding some position not long ago, but not now; recently deceased, departed, or gone out of office; as, the late bishop of London; the late administration.
 4. Not long past; happening not long ago; recent; as, the late rains; we have received late intelligence.
 5. Continuing or doing until an advanced hour of the night; as, late revels; a late watcher.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Late, adv.
 1. After the usual or proper time, or the time appointed; after delay; as, he arrived late; -- opposed to early.
 2. Not long ago; lately.
 3. Far in the night, day, week, or other particular period; as, to lie abed late; to sit up late at night.
 Of late, in time not long past, or near the present; lately; as, the practice is of late uncommon.
 Too late, after the proper or available time; when the time or opportunity is past.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: being or occurring at an advanced period of time or after a
             usual or expected time; "late evening"; "late 18th
             century"; "a late movie"; "took a late flight"; "had a
             late breakfast" [ant: early, middle]
      2: after the expected or usual time; delayed; "a belated
         birthday card"; "I'm late for the plane"; "the train is
         late"; "tardy children are sent to the principal"; "always
         tardy in making dental appointments" [syn: belated, tardy]
      3: of the immediate past or just previous to the present time;
         "a late development"; "their late quarrel"; "his recent
         trip to Africa"; "in recent months"; "a recent issue of
         the journal" [syn: late(a), recent]
      4: having died recently; "her late husband" [syn: late(a)]
      5: of a later stage in the development of a language or
         literature; used especially of dead languages; "Late
         Greek" [ant: early, middle]
      6: at or toward an end or late period or stage of development;
         "the late phase of feudalism"; "a later symptom of the
         disease"; "later medical science could have saved the
         child" [syn: later(a)] [ant: early]
      7: (used especially of persons) of the immediate past; "the
         former president"; "our late President is still very
         active"; "the previous occupant of the White House" [syn:
         former(a), late(a), previous(a)]
      adv 1: later than usual or than expected; "the train arrived late";
             "we awoke late"; "the children came late to school";
             "notice came so tardily that we almost missed the
             deadline"; "I belatedly wished her a happy birthday"
             [syn: belatedly, tardily] [ant: early]
      2: to an advanced time; "deep into the night"; "talked late
         into the evening" [syn: deep]
      3: at an advanced age or stage; "she married late"; "undertook
         the project late in her career"
      4: in the recent past; "he was in Paris recently"; "lately the
         rules have been enforced"; "as late as yesterday she was
         fine"; "feeling better of late"; "the spelling was first
         affected, but latterly the meaning also" [syn: recently,
          lately, of late, latterly]