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3 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Or·to·lan n.  Zool. (a) A European singing bird (Emberiza hortulana), about the size of the lark, with black wings.  It is esteemed delicious food when fattened.  Called also bunting. (b) In England, the wheatear (Saxicola oenanthe). (c) In America, the sora, or Carolina rail (Porzana Carolina). See Sora.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Rail, n.  Zool. Any one of numerous species of limicoline birds of the family Rallidae, especially those of the genus Rallus, and of closely allied genera. They are prized as game birds.
 Note:The common European water rail (Rallus aquaticus) is called also bilcock, skitty coot, and brook runner. The best known American species are the clapper rail, or salt-marsh hen (Rallus longirostris, var. crepitans); the king, or red-breasted, rail (Rallus elegans) (called also fresh-water marshhen); the lesser clapper, or Virginia, rail (Rallus Virginianus); and the Carolina, or sora, rail (Porzana Carolina). See Sora.
 Land rail Zool., the corncrake.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 So·ra n. Zool. A North American rail (Porzana Carolina) common in the Eastern United States. Its back is golden brown, varied with black and white, the front of the head and throat black, the breast and sides of the head and neck slate-colored. Called also American rail, Carolina rail, Carolina crake, common rail, sora rail, soree, meadow chicken, and orto.
 King sora, the Florida gallinule.