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3 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Re·lapse v. i. [imp. & p. p. Relapsed p. pr. & vb. n. Relapsing.]
 1. To slip or slide back, in a literal sense; to turn back. [Obs.]
 2. To slide or turn back into a former state or practice; to fall back from some condition attained; -- generally in a bad sense, as from a state of convalescence or amended condition; as, to relapse into a stupor, into vice, or into barbarism; -- sometimes in a good sense; as, to relapse into slumber after being disturbed.
    That task performed, [preachers] relapse into themselves.   --Cowper.
 3. Theol. To fall from Christian faith into paganism, heresy, or unbelief; to backslide.
    They enter into the justified state, and so continue all along, unless they relapse.   --Waterland.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Re·laps·ing, a. Marked by a relapse; falling back; tending to return to a former worse state.
 Relapsing fever Med., an acute, epidemic, contagious fever, which prevails also endemically in Ireland, Russia, and some other regions. It is marked by one or two remissions of the fever, by articular and muscular pains, and by the presence, during the paroxism of spiral bacterium (Spirochaete) in the blood. It is not usually fatal. Called also famine fever, and recurring fever.

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      n : a failure to maintain a higher state [syn: backsliding, lapse,
           lapsing, relapse, reversion, reverting]