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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Use n.
 1. The act of employing anything, or of applying it to one's service; the state of being so employed or applied; application; employment; conversion to some purpose; as, the use of a pen in writing; his machines are in general use.
    Books can never teach the use of books.   --Bacon.
    This Davy serves you for good uses.   --Shak.
 When he framed
 All things to man's delightful use.   --Milton.
 2. Occasion or need to employ; necessity; as, to have no further use for a book.
 3. Yielding of service; advantage derived; capability of being used; usefulness; utility.
 God made two great lights, great for their use
 To man.   --Milton.
    'T is use alone that sanctifies expense.   --Pope.
 4. Continued or repeated practice; customary employment; usage; custom; manner; habit.
    Let later age that noble use envy.   --Spenser.
 How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,
 Seem to me all the uses of this world!   --Shak.
 5. Common occurrence; ordinary experience. [R.]
    O Caesar! these things are beyond all use.   --Shak.
 6. Eccl. The special form of ritual adopted for use in any diocese; as, the Sarum, or Canterbury, use; the Hereford use; the York use; the Roman use; etc.
    From henceforth all the whole realm shall have but one use.   --Pref. to Book of Common Prayer.
 7. The premium paid for the possession and employment of borrowed money; interest; usury. [Obs.]
    Thou art more obliged to pay duty and tribute, use and principal, to him.   --Jer. Taylor.
 8.  Law The benefit or profit of lands and tenements. Use imports a trust and confidence reposed in a man for the holding of lands. He to whose use or benefit the trust is intended shall enjoy the profits. An estate is granted and limited to A for the use of B.
 9. Forging A stab of iron welded to the side of a forging, as a shaft, near the end, and afterward drawn down, by hammering, so as to lengthen the forging.
 Contingent use, or Springing use Law, a use to come into operation on a future uncertain event.
 In use. (a) In employment; in customary practice observance. (b) In heat; -- said especially of mares. --J. H. Walsh.
 Of no use, useless; of no advantage.
 Of use, useful; of advantage; profitable.
 Out of use, not in employment.
 Resulting use Law, a use, which, being limited by the deed, expires or can not vest, and results or returns to him who raised it, after such expiration.
 Secondary use, or Shifting use, a use which, though executed, may change from one to another by circumstances. --Blackstone.
 Statute of uses Eng. Law, the stat. 27 Henry VIII., cap. 10, which transfers uses into possession, or which unites the use and possession.
 To make use of, To put to use, to employ; to derive service from; to use.