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2 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Par·tridge n.  Zool.
 1. Any one of numerous species of small gallinaceous birds of the genus Perdix and several related genera of the family Perdicidæ, of the Old World.  The partridge is noted as a game bird.
    Full many a fat partrich had he in mew.   --Chaucer.
 Note:The common European, or gray, partridge (Perdix cinerea) and the red-legged partridge (Caccabis rubra) of Southern Europe and Asia are well-known species.
 2. Any one of several species of quail-like birds belonging to Colinus, and allied genera. [U.S.]
 Note:Among them are the bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) of the Eastern States; the plumed, or mountain, partridge (Oreortyx pictus) of California; the Massena partridge (Cyrtonyx Montezumæ); and the California partridge (Callipepla Californica).
 3. The ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). [New Eng.]
 Bamboo partridge Zool., a spurred partridge of the genus Bambusicola.  Several species are found in China and the East Indies.
 Night partridge Zool., the woodcock. [Local, U.S.]
 Painted partridge Zool., a francolin of South Africa (Francolinus pictus).
 Partridge berry. Bot. (a) The scarlet berry of a trailing american plant (Mitchella repens) of the order Rubiaceæ, having roundish evergreen leaves, and white fragrant flowers sometimes tinged with purple, growing in pairs with the ovaries united, and producing the berries which remain over winter; also, the plant itself. (b) The fruit of the creeping wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens); also, the plant itself.
 Partridge dove Zool. Same as Mountain witch, under Mountain.
 Partridge pea Bot., a yellow-flowered leguminous herb (Cassia Chamæcrista), common in sandy fields in the Eastern United States.
 Partridge shell Zool., a large marine univalve shell (Dolium perdix), having colors variegated like those of the partridge.
 Partridge wood (a) A variegated wood, much esteemed for cabinetwork.  It is obtained from tropical America, and one source of it is said to be the leguminous tree Andira inermis.  Called also pheasant wood. (b) A name sometimes given to the dark-colored and striated wood of some kind of palm, which is used for walking sticks and umbrella handles.
 Sea partridge Zool., an Asiatic sand partridge (Ammoperdix Bonhami); -- so called from its note.
 Snow partridge Zool., a large spurred partridge (Lerwa nivicola) which inhabits the high mountains of Asia; called also jermoonal.
 Spruce partridge. See under Spruce.
 Wood partridge, or Hill partridge Zool., any small Asiatic partridge of the genus Arboricola.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Snow, n.
 1. Watery particles congealed into white or transparent crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth, exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect forms.
 Note:Snow is often used to form compounds, most of which are of obvious meaning; as, snow-capped, snow-clad, snow-cold, snow-crowned, snow-crust, snow-fed, snow-haired, snowlike, snow-mantled, snow-nodding, snow-wrought, and the like.
 2. Fig.: Something white like snow, as the white color (argent) in heraldry; something which falls in, or as in, flakes.
    The field of snow with eagle of black therein.   --Chaucer.
 Red snow. See under Red.
 Snow bunting. Zool. See Snowbird, 1.
 Snow cock Zool., the snow pheasant.
 Snow flea Zool., a small black leaping poduran (Achorutes nivicola) often found in winter on the snow in vast numbers.
 Snow flood, a flood from melted snow.
 Snow flower Bot., the fringe tree.
 Snow fly, or Snow insect Zool., any one of several species of neuropterous insects of the genus Boreus.  The male has rudimentary wings; the female is wingless.  These insects sometimes appear creeping and leaping on the snow in great numbers.
 Snow gnat Zool., any wingless dipterous insect of the genus Chionea found running on snow in winter.
 Snow goose Zool., any one of several species of arctic geese of the genus Chen.  The common snow goose (Chen hyperborea), common in the Western United States in winter, is white, with the tips of the wings black and legs and bill red.  Called also white brant, wavey, and Texas goose.  The blue, or blue-winged, snow goose (Chen coerulescens) is varied with grayish brown and bluish gray, with the wing quills black and the head and upper part of the neck white.  Called also white head, white-headed goose, and bald brant.
 Snow leopard Zool., the ounce.
 Snow line, lowest limit of perpetual snow. In the Alps this is at an altitude of 9,000 feet, in the Andes, at the equator, 16,000 feet.
 Snow mouse Zool., a European vole (Arvicola nivalis) which inhabits the Alps and other high mountains.
 Snow pheasant Zool., any one of several species of large, handsome gallinaceous birds of the genus Tetraogallus, native of the lofty mountains of Asia. The Himalayn snow pheasant (Tetraogallus Himalayensis) in the best-known species. Called also snow cock, and snow chukor.
 Snow partridge. Zool. See under Partridge.
 Snow pigeon Zool., a pigeon (Columba leuconota) native of the Himalaya mountains. Its back, neck, and rump are white, the top of the head and the ear coverts are black.
 Snow plant Bot., a fleshy parasitic herb (Sarcodes sanguinea) growing in the coniferous forests of California. It is all of a bright red color, and is fabled to grow from the snow, through which it sometimes shoots up.