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3 definitions found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Sand·pi·per n.
 1. Zool. Any one of numerous species of small limicoline game birds belonging to Tringa, Actodromas, Ereunetes, and various allied genera of the family Tringidae.
 Note:The most important North American species are the pectoral sandpiper (Tringa maculata), called also brownback, grass snipe, and jacksnipe; the red-backed, or black-breasted, sandpiper, or dunlin (Tringa alpina); the purple sandpiper (Tringa maritima: the red-breasted sandpiper, or knot (Tringa canutus); the semipalmated sandpiper (Ereunetes pusillus); the spotted sandpiper, or teeter-tail (Actitis macularia); the buff-breasted sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis), and the Bartramian sandpiper, or upland plover. See under Upland. Among the European species are the dunlin, the knot, the ruff, the sanderling, and the common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucus syn. Tringoides hypoleucus), called also fiddler, peeper, pleeps, weet-weet, and summer snipe.  Some of the small plovers and tattlers are also called sandpipers.
 2. Zool. A small lamprey eel; the pride.
 Curlew sandpiper. See under Curlew.
 Stilt sandpiper. See under Stilt.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Snipe n.
 1. Zool. Any one of numerous species of limicoline game birds of the family Scolopacidae, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak.
 Note:The common, or whole, snipe (Gallinago cœlestis) and the great, or double, snipe (Gallinago major), are the most important European species. The Wilson's snipe (Gallinago delicata) (sometimes erroneously called English snipe) and the gray snipe, or dowitcher (Macrohamphus griseus), are well-known American species.
 2. A fool; a blockhead. [R.]
 Half snipe, the dunlin; the jacksnipe.
 Jack snipe. See Jacksnipe.
 Quail snipe. See under Quail.
 Robin snipe, the knot.
 Sea snipe. See in the Vocabulary.
 Shore snipe, any sandpiper.
 Snipe hawk, the marsh harrier. [Prov. Eng.]
 Stone snipe, the tattler.
 Summer snipe, the dunlin; the green and the common European sandpipers.
 Winter snipe. See Rock snipe, under Rock.
 Woodcock snipe, the great snipe.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Sum·mer, n.  The season of the year in which the sun shines most directly upon any region; the warmest period of the year.
 Note:North of the equator summer is popularly taken to include the months of June, July, and August. Astronomically it may be considered, in the northern hemisphere, to begin with the summer solstice, about June 21st, and to end with the autumnal equinox, about September 22d.
 Indian summer, in North America, a period of warm weather late in autumn, usually characterized by a clear sky, and by a hazy or smoky appearance of the atmosphere, especially near the horizon. The name is derived probably from the custom of the Indians of using this time in preparation for winter by laying in stores of food.
 Saint Martin's summer. See under Saint.
 Summer bird Zool., the wryneck. [Prov. Eng.]
 Summer colt, the undulating state of the air near the surface of the ground when heated. [Eng.]
 Summer complaint Med., a popular term for any diarrheal disorder occurring in summer, especially when produced by heat and indigestion.
 Summer coot Zool., the American gallinule. [Local, U.S.]
 Summer cypress Bot., an annual plant (Kochia Scoparia) of the Goosefoot family. It has narrow, ciliate, crowded leaves, and is sometimes seen in gardens.
 Summer duck. Zool. (a) The wood duck. (b) The garganey, or summer teal. See Illust. of Wood duck, under Wood.
 Summer fallow, land uncropped and plowed, etc., during the summer, in order to pulverize the soil and kill the weeds.
 Summer rash Med., prickly heat. See under Prickly.
 Summer sheldrake Zool., the hooded merganser. [Local, U.S.]
 Summer snipe. Zool. (a) The dunlin. (b) The common European sandpiper. (c) The green sandpiper.
 Summer tanager Zool., a singing bird (Piranga rubra) native of the Middle and Southern United States. The male is deep red, the female is yellowish olive above and yellow beneath. Called also summer redbird.
 Summer teal Zool., the blue-winged teal. [Local, U.S.]
 Summer wheat, wheat that is sown in the spring, and matures during the summer following. See Spring wheat.
 Summer yellowbird. Zool. See Yellowbird.