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4 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典


From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Ru·ral·i·ty n.; pl. -ties
 1. The quality or state of being rural.
 2. A rural place. “Leafy ruralities.”

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Tie n.; pl. Ties
 1. A knot; a fastening.
 2. A bond; an obligation, moral or legal; as, the sacred ties of friendship or of duty; the ties of allegiance.
    No distance breaks the tie of blood.   --Young.
 3. A knot of hair, as at the back of a wig.
 4. An equality in numbers, as of votes, scores, etc., which prevents either party from being victorious; equality in any contest, as a race.
 5. Arch. & Engin. A beam or rod for holding two parts together; in railways, one of the transverse timbers which support the track and keep it in place.
 6. Mus. A line, usually straight, drawn across the stems of notes, or a curved line written over or under the notes, signifying that they are to be slurred, or closely united in the performance, or that two notes of the same pitch are to be sounded as one; a bind; a ligature.
 7. pl. Low shoes fastened with lacings.
 Bale tie, a fastening for the ends of a hoop for a bale.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Con·sti·tu·tion·al·i·ty n.; pl. -ties .
 1. The quality or state of being constitutional, or inherent in the natural frame.
 2. The state of being consistent with the constitution or frame of government, or of being authorized by its provisions.
    Constitutionalities, bottomless cavilings and questionings about written laws.   --Carlyle.