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1 definition found

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 A·ble a. [comp. Abler superl. Ablest ]
 1. Fit; adapted; suitable. [Obs.]
    A many man, to ben an abbot able.   --Chaucer.
 2. Having sufficient power, strength, force, skill, means, or resources of any kind to accomplish the object; possessed of qualifications rendering competent for some end; competent; qualified; capable; as, an able workman, soldier, seaman, a man able to work; a mind able to reason; a person able to be generous; able to endure pain; able to play on a piano.
 3. Specially: Having intellectual qualifications, or strong mental powers; showing ability or skill; talented; clever; powerful; as, the ablest man in the senate; an able speech.
    No man wrote abler state papers.   --Macaulay.
 4. Law Legally qualified; possessed of legal competence; as, able to inherit or devise property.
 Note: Able for, is Scotticism.    =\“Hardly able for such a march.”\= --Robertson.
 Syn: -- Competent; qualified; fitted; efficient; effective; capable; skillful; clever; vigorous; powerful.