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6 definitions found

From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 vi·o·lent /-lənt/

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Vi·o·lent a.
 1. Moving or acting with physical strength; urged or impelled with force; excited by strong feeling or passion; forcible; vehement; impetuous; fierce; furious; severe; as, a violent blow; the violent attack of a disease.
    Float upon a wild and violent sea.   --Shak.
    A violent cross wind from either coast.   --Milton.
 2. Acting, characterized, or produced by unjust or improper force; outrageous; unauthorized; as, a violent attack on the right of free speech.
    To bring forth more violent deeds.   --Milton.
    Some violent hands were laid on Humphrey's life.   --Shak.
 3. Produced or effected by force; not spontaneous; unnatural; abnormal.
    These violent delights have violent ends.   --Shak.
    No violent state can be perpetual.   --T. Burnet.
 Ease would recant
 Vows made in pain, as violent and void.   --Milton.
 Violent presumption Law, presumption of a fact that arises from proof of circumstances which necessarily attend such facts.
 Violent profits Scots Law, rents or profits of an estate obtained by a tenant wrongfully holding over after warning. They are recoverable in a process of removing.
 Syn: -- Fierce; vehement; outrageous; boisterous; turbulent; impetuous; passionate; severe; extreme.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Vi·o·lent, n. An assailant.  [Obs.]

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Vi·o·lent, v. i. To be violent; to act violently.  [Obs.]
 The grief is fine, full, perfect, that I taste,
 And violenteth in a sense as strong
 As that which causeth it.   --Shak.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 Vi·o·lent, v. t.  To urge with violence.  [Obs.]

From: WordNet (r) 2.0

      adj 1: acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or
             energy or emotional intensity; "a violent attack"; "a
             violent person"; "violent feelings"; "a violent rage";
             "felt a violent dislike" [ant: nonviolent]
      2: effected by force or injury rather than natural causes; "a
         violent death"
      3: (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud; "a violent
         clash of colors"; "her dress was a violent red"; "a
         violent noise"; "wild colors"; "wild shouts" [syn: wild]
      4: marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions;
         inclined to react violently; fervid; "fierce loyalty"; "in
         a tearing rage"; "vehement dislike"; "violent passions"
         [syn: fierce, tearing, vehement, trigger-happy]
      5: characterized by violence or bloodshed; "writes of crimson
         deeds and barbaric days"- Andrea Parke; "fann'd by
         Conquest's crimson wing"- Thomas Gray; "convulsed with red
         rage"- Hudson Strode [syn: crimson, red]