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From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典

 as for

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 as adv. & conj.
 1. Denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to; in the same manner with or in which; in accordance with; in proportion to; to the extent or degree in which or to which; equally; no less than; as, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil; you will reap as you sow; do as you are bidden.
    His spiritual attendants adjured him, as he loved his soul, to emancipate his brethren.   --Macaulay.
 Note:As is often preceded by one of the antecedent or correlative words such, same, so, or as, in expressing an equality or comparison; as, give us such things as you please, and so long as you please, or as long as you please; he is not so brave as Cato; she is as amiable as she is handsome; come as quickly as possible. “Bees appear fortunately to prefer the same colors as we do.” --Lubbock. As, in a preceding part of a sentence, has such or so to answer correlatively to it; as with the people, so with the priest.
 2. In the idea, character, or condition of, -- limiting the view to certain attributes or relations; as, virtue considered as virtue; this actor will appear as Hamlet.
    The beggar is greater as a man, than is the man merely as a king.   --Dewey.
 3. While; during or at the same time that; when; as, he trembled as he spoke.
    As I return I will fetch off these justices.   --Shak.
 4. Because; since; it being the case that.
    As the population of Scotland had been generally trained to arms . . . they were not indifferently prepared.   --Sir W. Scott.
 [See Synonym under Because.]
 5. Expressing concession. (Often approaching though in meaning).
    We wish, however, to avail ourselves of the interest, transient as it may be, which this work has excited.   --Macaulay.
 6. That, introducing or expressing a result or consequence, after the correlatives so and such. [Obs.]
    I can place thee in such abject state, as help shall never find thee.   --Rowe.
 So as, so that. [Obs.]
    The relations are so uncertain as they require a great deal of examination.   --Bacon.
 7. As if; as though. [Obs. or Poetic]
    He lies, as he his bliss did know.   --Waller.
 8. For instance; by way of example; thus; -- used to introduce illustrative phrases, sentences, or citations.
 9. Than. [Obs. & R.]
    The king was not more forward to bestow favors on them as they free to deal affronts to others their superiors.   --Fuller.
 10. Expressing a wish. [Obs.] As have,”
 Note: i. e., may he have.
 As . . as. See So . . as, under So.
 As far as, to the extent or degree. As far as can be ascertained.” --Macaulay.
 As far forth as, as far as.  [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 As for, or  As to, in regard to; with respect to.
 As good as, not less than; not falling short of.
 As good as one's word, faithful to a promise.
 As if, or As though, of the same kind, or in the same condition or manner, that it would be if.
 As it were (as if it were), a qualifying phrase used to apologize for or to relieve some expression which might be regarded as inappropriate or incongruous; in a manner.
 As now, just now. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 As swythe, as quickly as possible. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
 As well, also; too; besides. --Addison.
 As well as, equally with, no less than.  “I have understanding as well as you.” --Job xii. 3.
 As yet, until now; up to or at the present time; still; now.

From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

 For prep.  In the most general sense, indicating that in consideration of, in view of, or with reference to, which anything is done or takes place.
 1. Indicating the antecedent cause or occasion of an action; the motive or inducement accompanying and prompting to an act or state; the reason of anything; that on account of which a thing is or is done.
    With fiery eyes sparkling for very wrath.   --Shak.
    How to choose dogs for scent or speed.   --Waller.
 Now, for so many glorious actions done,
 For peace at home, and for the public wealth,
 I mean to crown a bowl for Cæsar's health.   --Dryden.
    That which we, for our unworthiness, are afraid to crave, our prayer is, that God, for the worthiness of his Son, would, notwithstanding, vouchsafe to grant.   --Hooker.
 2. Indicating the remoter and indirect object of an act; the end or final cause with reference to which anything is, acts, serves, or is done.
 The oak for nothing ill,
 The osier good for twigs, the poplar for the mill.   --Spenser.
    It was young counsel for the persons, and violent counsel for the matters.   --Bacon.
 Shall I think the worls was made for one,
 And men are born for kings, as beasts for men,
 Not for protection, but to be devoured?   --Dryden.
    For he writes not for money, nor for praise.   --Denham.
 3. Indicating that in favor of which, or in promoting which, anything is, or is done; hence, in behalf of; in favor of; on the side of; -- opposed to against.
    We can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.   --2 Cor. xiii. 8.
    It is for the general good of human society, and consequently of particular persons, to be true and just; and it is for men's health to be temperate.   --Tillotson.
    Aristotle is for poetical justice.   --Dennis.
 4. Indicating that toward which the action of anything is directed, or the point toward which motion is made; ░ntending to go to.
    We sailed from Peru for China and Japan.   --Bacon.
 5. Indicating that on place of or instead of which anything acts or serves, or that to which a substitute, an equivalent, a compensation, or the like, is offered or made; instead of, or place of.
    And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.   --Ex. xxi. 23, 24.
 6. Indicating that in the character of or as being which anything is regarded or treated; to be, or as being.
    We take a falling meteor for a star.   --Cowley.
    If a man can be fully assured of anything for a truth, without having examined, what is there that he may not embrace for tru░?   --Locke.
    Most of our ingenious young men take up some cried-up English poet for their model.   --Dryden.
    But let her go for an ungrateful woman.   --Philips.
 7. Indicating that instead of which something else controls in the performing of an action, or that in spite of which anything is done, occurs, or is; hence, equivalent to notwithstanding, in spite of; -- generally followed by all, aught, anything, etc.
    The writer will do what she please for all me.   --Spectator.
    God's desertion shall, for aught he knows, the next minute supervene.   --Dr. H. More.
    For anything that legally appears to the contrary, it may be a contrivance to fright us.   --Swift.
 8. Indicating the space or time through which an action or state extends; hence, during; in or through the space or time of.
 For many miles about
 There 's scarce a bush.   --Shak.
    Since, hired for life, thy servile muse sing.   --prior.
    To guide the sun's bright chariot for a day.   --Garth.
 9. Indicating that in prevention of which, or through fear of which, anything is done. [Obs.]
    We 'll have a bib, for spoiling of thy doublet.   --Beau. & Fl.
 For, or As for, so far as concerns; as regards; with reference to; -- used parenthetically or independently. See under As.
    As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.   --Josh. xxiv. 15.
 For me, my stormy voyage at an end,
 I to the port of death securely tend.   --Dryden.
 -- For all that, notwithstanding; in spite of.
 For all the world, wholly; exactly. “Whose posy was, for all the world, like cutlers' poetry.” --Shak.
 For as much as, or Forasmuch as, in consideration that; seeing that; since.
 For by. See Forby, adv.
 For ever, eternally; at all times. See Forever.
 For me, or For all me, as far as regards me.
 For my life, or For the life of me, if my life depended on it. [Colloq.] --T. Hook.
 For that, For the reason that, because; since. [Obs.] For that I love your daughter.” --Shak.
 For thy, or Forthy [AS. forðȳ.], for this; on this account. [Obs.] “Thomalin, have no care for thy.” --Spenser.
 For to, as sign of infinitive, in order to; to the end of. [Obs., except as sometimes heard in illiterate speech.] -- “What went ye out for to see?” --Luke vii. 25. See To, prep., 4.
 O for, would that I had; may there be granted; -- elliptically expressing desire or prayer. O for a muse of fire.” --Shak.
 Were it not for, or If it were not for, leaving out of account; but for the presence or action of. “Moral consideration can no way move the sensible appetite, were it not for the will.” --Sir M. Hale.